Ramadan is a gift from ALLAH (SWT). It is the month when we connect ourselves with ALLAH (SWT). We detach ourselves from worldly things in this month and make ourselves closer to Islam. It is the holy month that boosts our love for our religion. But the question is how to teach our kids about the meaning of Ramadan, how to make them closer to ALLAH and Islam. Teaching kids about Ramadan can be easy if we follow some techniques which will help them to understand the meaning of Ramadan and why it holds so much importance in every Muslim’s life.

Let’s discuss some of the creative ways through which we can introduce the month of Ramadan to our kids and make it a memorable experience for them.


The main aspect of Ramadan is fasting. Children do not know what fasting is and why it is done, but as parents or guardians, it is our responsibility to explain to them the concept of fasting. We should involve children in the iftar and suhoor of Ramadan. The reason is that they understand that fasting means not taking any food or water from dawn until dusk. Also, they should be taught that Allah has nothing to do with our hunger, but he wants to test our patience and obedience to him, so they must stay calm, especially during fasting, and not show anger to anyone because the objective of fasting is to be patient and obedient towards Allah (SWT).


The reward for every good deed gets doubled in the holy month of Ramadan. This month’s time should be utilised more in Salah, Zikar, recitation of the Holy Quran, and repentance. We should also include our kids in religious activities so that they understand that the actual meaning of Ramadan is to get closer to Allah and to follow the teachings of our beloved Prophet (PBUH). If the children are old enough to recite Holy Quran, they must recite at least one page of the Holy Quran along with their family members daily. If the children cannot recite the Holy Quran, they must recite the names of Allah and the small duas. For encouraging the kids, parents should gift them something after performing religious activity so that they get attracted to such religious deeds.


Charity is done at a bigger level in the month of Ramadan. Other than Zakat, people also do charity and donations with their regular money. The children of the family must also have the habit of doing charity and helping the deserving people of society. A colorfully decorated charity box can be kept in the house where the children can save money for needy people. This way they will understand the actual meaning of charity and adopt the habit of sharing and caring.


Children love to read books so as parents we must get them books that teach them about the benefits of Ramadan and how the days of Ramadan should be spent. Other than that for toddlers, many Ramadan activities can be designed, like coloring activities, pasting activities, and picture-based learning activities. Parents or elders of the family can read different stories to the children about the events that happened in Ramadan, why Muslims fast in Ramadan, and the blessings of this holy month. Also, a small diary can be gifted to kids so they can write about their daily activities throughout the month.

Additionally, a small cardboard mosque can also be set up where the kids can perform their prayers. By setting up a space for children, you will attract them to be involved in prayers and recitation.


Children learn best through examples rather than words. They need to see how helping others, especially during this holy month, can make life happier and more peaceful. As Allah (SWT) appreciates the habit of sharing, we should encourage kids to share their food, clothes, and even toys with other family members or members of the community. Whenever we purchase clothing or toys for our children, we ought to also purchase the same items for our housekeeper or anyone else we know who is in need. We can take our kids to an orphanage where they can share toys, clothes, books, and other items with other children to teach them the virtue of generosity.

Parents are role models for their children they should set an example for their kids about how the month of Ramadan should be celebrated and what our religion has taught us during this month. The parents should not only teach them but also try to indulge them in all the Ramadan preparations and chores. The children will feel more connected if they see other members of the family involved in this month and will follow the footsteps of their elders in their daily lives and become good practising Muslims in the future.