This is a comprehensive Islamic Studies compiled for the children from 7 – 12 years of age. It is exclusively designed with the aim of enlightening the daily routine of a Muslim child according to the Sunnah of Prophet MUHAMMAD (Pease be upon Him). It motivates the student to follow the Islamic code of life as shown in the life of prophet MUHAMMAD (Pease be upon Him), as Allah says: “verily you have an excellent model in following the Messenger of Allah” (Al Ahzab 33:21), Those who are new in Islam and determined to learn Islamic Studies along with Quran reading can avail this opportunity of learning Islam staying home.
What is Basic Fiqh Learning Course?
The Basic Fiqh Learning Course introduces kids to essential Islamic rituals, providing them with a foundational understanding of Islamic practices from an early age.Course Goals:
- Guide kids in developing a basic understanding of Fiqh principles.
- Instill a love for Islamic teachings and practices.
- Foster a sense of connection to essential Islamic knowledge.
Course Content:
1. Introduction to Fiqh:
– Fun and interactive sessions introducing kids to the basic principles of Islamic jurisprudence.2. Practical Islamic Practices:
– Age-appropriate lessons on fundamental Islamic practices, making learning accessible and enjoyable.3. Interactive Learning Activities:
– Engaging activities that reinforce Fiqh concepts in a child-friendly manner.Who is this course for?
This course is specifically designed for kids aged 7-12 years old, creating a supportive and interactive environment for their introduction to basic Fiqh principles.Course Benefits:
- Guide kids in developing a foundational understanding of Fiqh.
- Cultivate a love for Islamic teachings and practices.
- Establish a sense of connection to essential Islamic knowledge.
Skills Developed:
- Basic understanding of Fiqh principles.
- Familiarity with fundamental Islamic practices.
- Comfort in applying basic Fiqh concepts.
Course Achievements:
- Gain a foundational understanding of Islamic jurisprudence.
- Develop a love for Islamic teachings and practices.
- Lay the groundwork for a deeper connection to essential Islamic knowledge.

Course Code: IL-01
Prerequisite: Salat and Dua
Course for: Children
Students are required to:
- Be proficient in English, Arabic, Urdu, or Hindi.
- Have the ability to communicate remotely.
- Not skip a stage without fully completing the study of that stage or passing its specific test.
Level 1
The four compulsory acts in Wudhu
Twelve Sunnahs in Wudhu
How to perform Wudhu
When can tayammum be done?
How to do tayammum?
Level 2
Eleven important Fiqh terms
Taking a Bath (Ghusl)
Salah; the making of a Muslim
The call to prayer
The six conditions for prayer
The six compulsory acts in Salah
How to perform the Salah
Zikr and Duas after the Salah
A summary of performing the Salah
Level 3
The Wajibat of Prayer
The Sunnahs of Prayer
The desirable acts in prayer
The undesirable acts in prayer
The acts which invalidate prayer
The Friday Prayer
Requirements for holding Friday Prayer
Sunnah’s of the Sermon
The Eid prayer
Desirable practices on Eid
Performing Eid Prayer
The funeral Prayer
The procedure for the Funeral Prayer
The voluntary Salahs-NAFL Prayers
Combining two Prayers
Level 4
The Blessings of Ramadan & Fasting
Fasting develops Taqwa
Ahmed’s Ramadan Diary
The Fiqh Rulings for Ramadan
What does not break the fast?
The meaning and virtues of Itikaf
Laylat al-Qadr: the night of power
Eid Al-Fitr: A time for celebration and charity
Sadaqah al-Fitr: charity at the end of Ramadan
The meaning and wisdom of Zakah
The payment of Zakah
An overview of Hajj: rules and Conditions
The five days of Hajj
The conditions for the soundness of Hajj
Visiting the blessed city of Madinah
In front of the holy Tomb